
About Us

Mohila Karma Sangsthan O Daridro Bimochon Songstha (MKDBS)

Mohila Karma Sangsthan O Daridro Bimochon Songstha (MKDBS) is a non-governmental, non-profit, voluntary, and social welfare organization led by women, operating throughout the country. Established in 2001 through the proactive efforts of social workers in Joypurhat district, its primary aim is to enhance the quality of life for the impoverished and marginalized segments of society, particularly women, adolescents, children, and individuals with disabilities. MKDBS is dedicated to fostering socio-economic development within underprivileged communities nationwide. Its mission is to serve the needs of the poor and vulnerable sectors of society, aligning with the broader goals of the development process.

Organization details

Name of organization Mohila Karma Sangsthan O Daridro Bimochon Songstha (MKDBS)
Acronym MKDBS
Address of the organization Head office

Shahebpara, Joypurhat, Bangladesh
Tel: 01744842972
Year of establishment2001
Contact Person Farzana Arfin, Executive Director

Bank information of MKDBS :

Name of Bank Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited
Address of Bank Joypurhat Branch
Name of Account Mohila Karma Sangsthan O Daridro Bimochon Songstha (MKDBS)
Number of Account 20501530200609700

Legal Status Of the organization

SLConcerned Department/ MinistryReg. NoDate
SL 01Concerned Department/ Ministry Department of Youth Development Reg. No -Date -
SL 02Concerned Department/ Ministry Department of Women AffairsReg. No DWA/Joy-27 Date 29.10.2001
SL 03Concerned Department/ Ministry Bangladesh NGO Affairs Bureau Reg. No 3045Date 16.10.2016